
inglês instrumental

  Isto é com você: Sei que estou preparado para a prova do vestibular, mestrado ou doutorado. Mas o meu inglês ainda parece estar patinando acesse o link abaixo e veja a forma de como se tornar um expert de jeito rápido e eficaz    

2ª dica de como eu fiz pra aprender inglês - Inclusão dos jogos na minha rotina

Hello there!   Eu sou Eliane Luciano e estou aqui mais uma vez para te contar como eu fiz para aprender inglês. Primeiramente, eu quero te fazer uma pergunta: Você está disposto (a) a mudar a sua rotina para aprender inglês? Saiba que é muito importante incorporar o idioma na sua rotina, mas com coisas que te agradam, como a música (1ª dica), desta 2ª dica, os vídeo games. O que podem me dizer dos games? Eles te atraem? Te divertem? Saibam que eles podem ajudar e muito no aprendizado. Além de nos divertir, os jogos são importantes para o nosso desenvolvimento. Procure interagir com seus filhos ou amigos, jogando com eles. Tenha a certeza que vão te ensinar muito. Os jogos te desafiam e te dão adrenalina. Não é preciso acontecer um momento especial pra se divertir e aprender. Mostre persistência para as dificuldades e não desista (Never give up).  Tenha a certeza de que não é só nós que achamos difícil aprender inglês. Veja no vídeo abaixo, o quanto u

Tips for learning English

TOP TIPS FOR LEARNING ENGLISH  Surround yourself with English. You don't need to be in an English-speaking country to surround yourself with English. ... Make English friends. ... Find study partners. ... Use authentic materials. ... Get online. ... Set yourself realistic goals. ... Listen to real English. ... Find fun ways to learn new words. DIVE INTO THE DEEP END Studying English for an hour once a week isn’t usually enough to make any real progress. The best way to quickly improve your English is to spend at least a few minutes practicing every day. Immerse yourself as much as possible every time you study, and challenge yourself to listen to, read, and even say things in English that you think might be too difficult for you. If you want to speak English fluently, you need to make it an essential part of your everyday life . REMEMBER THE ANSWER IS IN THE QUESTION Listen carefully when someone asks you a question in English and you’ll answer pe

This is a chocolate and cheese train

DISCOVER THE SECRETS OF SWITZERLAND'S MOST FAMOUS CULINARY TRADITIONS ON BOARD THE CHOCOLATE TRAIN. Gruyère and chocolate: the pinnacle of Swiss culinary expertise The Chocolate Train is a first class trip that will take you to the  « Maison du Gruyère »  where the mysteries of the production of this famous Swiss cheese will be revealed to you. Then you visit the charming medieval town of Gruyères, with the possibility to visit its magnificent  castle . Finally, you reach the legendary  « Maison Cailler »  in Broc. There, you will discover the secrets of the creation of Swiss chocolate and enjoy a high flavoured tasting The offer includes the trip in train, the transfers by bus and the entrances to the cheese and chocolate factories. The morning cafe & croissant is offered.

Eight Advantages of studying English

                                                                                           Eight Advantages of Studying English It is little wonder that so many students, both international and local, choose to study English courses. Proficient and skilled use of the English language can enhance career prospects, allow you to achieve success in business and can open up many opportunities when you choose to study with a credible English school. While there are many good reasons to study English, here we provide an overview of eight of the most important advantages of studying English: #1: Without question, English is one of the most widely spoken languages. English is used in many parts of the world and is often the language that is common to people who have a first language other than English. #2: When it comes to business and matters of trade, the English language tends to be the commo